Canadian Medtech Alliance

Access funding and manufacturing to scale your business

With the CAMEDA program, you receive funding to work with some of Canada’s leading Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs) to help you advance regulatory approvals, conduct clinical trials, and undertake initial batch manufacturing. We’ve brought in key partners with specialized expertise in the medtech and medical device space – supporting you at a critical phase of your commercialization journey.

CAMEDA - Canadian MedTechAlliance for life science manufacturing companies

What is CAMEDA?

CAMEDA is a program funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), in support of the partnership between Innovation Factory and the Synapse Consortium. As an Ontario-based life science innovator, you can access expertise and facilities required to build up domestic manufacturing know-how and capabilities by launching a collaborative project with world-class organizations, including Avania CRO, Cortex Design, Engineering CPR, Inertia Product Development, Linamar, McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute, MegaLab Group, and Microart Services. Successful applicants can access up to $100,000 in non-dilutive funding to support their manufacturing project with a CAMEDA partner.

CAMEDA - Canadian MedTechAlliance
Are you ready?

Apply Now

We encourage you to verify your eligibility and start your application journey. We welcome submissions continuously, as applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please note that the review process for project grants may take longer than usual.

Need more information?

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding CAMEDA, please get in touch with us through our Contact form.